How are employers supporting employees with caregiving responsibilities?

Joint survey aims to benchmark organizational initiatives

How are Canadian employers supporting employees with caregiving responsibilities?

To answer that question, Work-Life Harmony Enterprises has teamed up with the Centre for Families, Work and Well Being at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ont., and the University of Alberta in Edmonton, to launch a study of workplace initiatives.

An aging population, a shrinking labour force and limited resources and supports for family caregivers are affecting organizations across the country, said Nora Spinks, president of Work-Life Harmony Enterprises. Employees caring for adults — including disabled adult children, siblings, spouses, parents, grandparents, extended family members and friends — struggle to fulfill multiple responsibilities, commitments and obligations at home and work.

“Many caregivers quit their jobs, reduce their hours, experience high absenteeism and forfeit career ambitions and aspirations,” said Spinks. “Their income drops, their health suffers and their stress levels rise.”

The survey — which takes about a half-hour to complete — will benchmark organizational initiatives designed to help employees manage their caregiving responsibilities and work. Results of the study will be published in a future edition of Canadian HR Reporter.

To take the survey, visit

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