Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Cory Division

Saskatoon (290 workers, natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations) and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC)

Renewal agreement: Effective Oct. 10, 2015, to April 30, 2019. Signed on March 30, 2017.
Wage adjustments: 
Effective May 1, 2014: 2.5%
Effective May 1, 2015: 2.75%
Effective May 1, 2016: 2.75%
Effective May 1, 2017: 2.5%
Effective May 1, 2018: 2.5%
Shift premium: $2.40 per hour (previously $2.10 per hour) for all time worked on shifts that are not a day shift. $1.65 per hour (previously $1.50 per hour) for each hour worked on Saturday and Sunday. $0.40 per hour for all hours worked underground.
Paid holidays: 11 days.
Vacations with pay: 12 hours for each completed month of service to a maximum of 120 working hours to start, 120 working hours after one year, 128 working hours after 6 years, 136 working hours after 7 years, 144 working hours after 8 years, 152 hours after 9 years, 160 working hours after 10 years, 200 working hours after 15 years. Vacation bonus of $200 after 1 year, $250 after 5 years, $300 after 10 years. Vacation time can be carried over by mutual written agreement. 
Overtime: Double-time for all hours worked beyond 8 hours within a 24-hour period, in excess of scheduled straight time hours in a single workweek, on scheduled days off, on a public holiday.
Meal allowance: Adequate lunch and beverage when more than 2 hours of overtime is worked, additional meals at four-hour intervals.
Medical benefits: Paid for by employer.
Dental: Paid for by employer. 100% of preventative expenses to maximum of $1,600 per year (previously $1,500 per year).
Vision: Paid for by employer. 80% of expenses to maximum of $325 per year (previously $310 per year).
STD: Paid for by employer. 70% of normal weekly earnings to a maximum of 17 weeks.
LTD: Paid for by employer. 70% of normal base monthly earnings after 17 weeks of disability until recovery, death, or age 65, whichever occurs first.
AD&D: Paid for by employer, two times annual base salary.
Life insurance: Paid for by employer, two times annual base earnings. $10,000 for death of spouse, $7,000 for death of eligible dependant.
Pension: Company pays $73.50 per month (previously $67.50 per month) per year of service, increasing to $75.50 May 1, 2018. Administered by company.
Bereavement leave: 2 shifts within five-calendar-day period from death, 2 shifts for attendance at funeral for death of immediate family member (parent, stepparent, sibling, stepsibling, spouse, child, stepchild, parent-in-law, sibling-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, foster child, foster parent, legal ward, legal guardian, spouse’s grandparent). Up to one full shift to attend funeral as pallbearer.
Seniority – recall rights: 24 months.
Probationary period: 400 hours.
Severance: For layoffs of more than 14 days: 1 week’s notice for employees of less than 3 years, 3 weeks for between 3 and 5 years, 5 weeks for more than 5 years.
Safety shoes: $300 per year (previously $275 per year).
Uniforms/clothing: Company provides safety equipment and protective clothing as required. Gloves provided at no cost.
Sample rates of hourly pay (current):
Job class 20T: $49.32
Job class 19S: $46.11
Job class 20: $45.58
Job class 19: $44.75
Job class 18: $43.92
Job class 17: $43.09
Job class 16: $42.25
Job class 15: $41.42
Job class 14: $40.59
Job class 13: $39.76
Job class 12: $38.93
Job class 11: $38.10
Job class 10: $37.27
Job class 9: $36.44
Job class 8: $35.61
Job class 7: $34.79
Job class 6: $33.95
Job class 5: $33.12
Job class 4: $32.28
Job class 3: $31.45
Job class 2: $30.62
Job class 1: $29.79
Editor’s notes: Leaves: Employees allowed personal leave of absence without pay for up to 28 days. Educational leave of absence allowed up to 10 months unpaid.

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