University of Winnipeg (Academic Capacity)

Winnipeg (190 tutors, markers, lab demonstrators, teaching assistants) and Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Local 55600

Renewal agreement: Effective Jan. 26, 2017, to Jan. 25, 2018. Signed on Jan. 26, 2017. (First collective agreement)
Wage adjustments: 
Effective Aug. 28, 2017: 2%
Vacations with pay: 6% per pay. 
Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after 35 hours per week. 
Bereavement leave: 1 day for death of parent, spouse, brother, sister, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, second-degree relative residing in same household, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, grandchild. 2 additional days for travel.
Discipline: Sunset clause is 2 terms or 12 months, whichever is shorter.
Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 2% increase):
Academic capacity 1 (tutor, marker, lab demonstrator): 
$12.55 rising 1 step to $12.80
Academic capacity 2 (teaching assistant): $13.56 rising 1 step to $13.83
Editor’s notes: Services and facilities: Postal, telephone, internet service will be provided to union on cost-recovery basis, as determined by employer. Printing, computing services, use of audio-visual equipment, internal mail service will be provided to union on same basis. Employer will provide union with office space and standard furnishings (telephone, desk, file cabinet, chairs) in appropriate, accessible location on campus.

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