Ontario’s WSIB releases 2012-2016 strategic plan

Financial integrity, talent management among priorities for 2012

Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has released its four year strategic plan.

The plan “will transform the WSIB into a modern, sustainable and customer-centric workplace compensation system,” according to the WSIB.

“In the last few years, the WSIB has made significant improvements, leading to better outcomes for employers and for workers,” the WSIB said. “Its health care strategy and enhanced work reintegration are resulting in workers getting better health care and returning to worker sooner.”

Priorities areas for 2012 include: financial integrity, integrated recovery and return to work, defined workers’ compensation plan, talent management and stakeholder respect and trust.

Each priority area has programs and projects listed that the organization intends to pursue. Under the stakeholder respect and trust priority the projects are corporate reputation branding and a stakeholder engagement program.

Other 2012 initiatives include transition of the prevention mandate to the Ministry of Labour and preparation for the implementation of Bill 119, which will make WSIB coverage mandatory for independent operators, sole proprietors, some partners in a partnership and some executive officers who work in the construction industry. The change will result in the addition of 90,000 employers covered by the WSIB.

The strategic plan is available online at: http://www.wsib.on.ca/en/community/WSIB/230/ArticleDetail/24338?vgnextoid=e66c71346daa5310VgnVCM100000469c710aRCRD

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