A listing of organizations that conduct salary surveys
Want to find out how much some of your employees are worth? A number of consultancies and organizations prepare salary surveys every year. Here’s a cross-Canada rundown of what is available.
National survey includes data from more than 450 companies. Published in September it includes industries such as natural resources, construction, manufacturing, retail, transportation, IT, real estate and more. Surveys of specific industries are available separately.
Cost: Price varies according to survey.
Contact: Scott Bunker, (416) 542-5689, [email protected].
Cerno Research
Conducts surveys in collaboration with the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and the Canadian Trucking Alliance. More than 1,000 companies in a variety of industries take part in annual surveys of manufacturing, trucking and executive public company compensation.
Cost: Varies according to survey.
Contact: www.cernoresearch.com.
Clark/Bardes Consulting
Offers a variety of surveys including new college graduate compensation, sales, technician, office and production, executive and senior management and more. Surveys are published throughout the year.
Cost: Varies.
Contact: www.clarkbardes.com.
Economic Research Institute
The Salary Assessor software provides median and mean salary ranges for more than 4,000 positions in 298 U.S. and Canadian areas. Quarterly updates display tables which can be sorted, ranked and saved for later use.
Cost: US$789.
Contact: www.erieri.com.
Foote Partners, LLC
Collected, compiled and published every three months, surveys cover the IT industry in the private and public sectors. Seven major Canadian cities are covered.
Cost: US$400 for seven Canadian cities.
Contact: www.footepartners.com.
Hay Group
Hay PayNet, an online interactive service contains market information such as base pay, bonuses and short- and long-term incentives. More than 430 organizations participate with more than 200,000 individual compensation records from across Canada and globally. Updated three times per year. Covers all major industries.
Cost: $5,000.
Contact: www.haypaynet.com, www.haygroup.ca,
Annual total compensation survey available in September covers base pay, bonuses and perks for more than 200 Canadian companies.
Cost: $750 for survey participants, $1,200 for non-participants.
Contact: www.hewitt.com.
The Institute – Central Ontario Industrial Relations Institute
Annual surveys of hourly paid employees in Ontario and salaried employees. Both surveys are sorted by region, size of employer, industry category and union or non-union status. Covers more than 100 different salaried occupations including clerical, administrative, professional, supervisory, sales and management positions.
Cost: $450.
Contact: www.coiri.com.
Monthly reports review major salary surveys from a variety of sources including WorldatWork, SHRM and others. Covers many areas including accounting and finance, customer service, HR, logistics, marketing and more.
Cost: US$259.
Contact: www.ioma.com.
Janco Associates, Inc.
Information technology surveys from Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. and Canada. Current survey from January 2003 contains information from all major Canadian cities.
Cost: Varies according to survey. Surveys are sent via e-mail in a variety of formats. Data can be ordered for one city only.
Contact: www.psrinc.com/
Annual survey of the Canadian magazine publishing industry, available in June. Publishes information on all positions including publisher, sales, editorial, graphics, and Web editors.
Cost: Results can be viewed free at www.mastheadonline.com.
Contact: www.mastheadonline.
Total remuneration survey covers more than 200 positions from executive to clerical in areas such as administration, engineering, finance, HR, logistics, manufacturing, marketing and more. Country-specific results available in CD-Rom or via the Internet.
Cost: Price varies according to participation.
Contact: www.imercer.ca.
Continually updated online survey of all major Canadian industries. Users can search by postal code and job title to view results.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.monster.ca.
Professional Engineers Ontario
Annual survey of Ontario employers of engineers in 163 organizations which is published in the September/October issue of Engineering Dimensions.
Cost: Complimentary summary is available on Web site at www.peo.on.ca, full report available for $45 for PEO members and survey participants; $110 for non-members.
Contact: www.peo.on.ca.
Robert Half (Office Team)
Annual surveys for accounting, administration, legal, creative and IT. Covers U.S. and Canadian industry salaries and compares data with previous year.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.rhi.com.
Salary Expert
Continually updated online service covering all major industries in the U.S. and Canada. Search by job title and location.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.salaryexpert.com.
Continually updated online service covering jobs in a variety of industries. Search by location and job title.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.salariesreview.com.
Statistics Canada
The Labour, Employment and Unemployment area of the Web site provides specific information on employment and wages.
Contact: www.statcan.ca.
Toronto Board of Trade
Annual survey of Toronto and area businesses includes surveys on executive, middle management, professional, supervisory and sales, IT, and administrative and support compensation.
Cost: Varies according to survey, discount for members and participants.
Contact: www.bot.com.
Towers Perrin
Surveys come out at various times of the year and cover the IT, energy, investment and general business industry in Canada. Prices vary for each survey and are available only to participants.
Contact: [email protected], 1-877-550-4402.
Watson Wyatt
Annual Canadian salary survey has information on benchmark positions, detailed analysis of base salary, cash incentives and more. Available for executive, management, IT, engineering, sales, production and distribution.
Cost: Varies according to number of surveys ordered and preferred format.
Contact: www.watsonwyatt.com/
Western Compensation & Benefits Consultants
Offers 11 reports consisting of four national surveys and seven regional surveys. More than 350 benchmark positions, data is analyzed by economic sector, annual revenues, number of employees and geographic location. Areas include administrative positions, middle management, IT, high technology, marketing and sales, engineering, production and distribution, executives, board of directors and more.
Cost: Ranges in price according to survey. Members of Vancouver Board of Trade, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Calgary Chamber of Commerce, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce and Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce receive discounts.
Contact: 1-800-781-2411, e-mail: [email protected].
Western Mine Engineering
Canadian Mine Wages, Salaries and Benefits survey contains hourly wages listed by job title for workers at 56 metal, industrial mineral and fossil fuel mines in 11 provinces and territories. Salary summaries for managerial, technical and administrative personnel.
Cost: US$245.
Contact: www.westernmine.com.
Annual Total Salary Increase Budget Survey details salary increase data covering a wide variety of public and private organizations. Arranged in a matrix format according to geographic area, industry group, employee category and type of organization.
Cost: $115 members;
$147.50 non-members.
Contact: www.worldatwork.org.
Local sources
For additional information on compensation and local trends, contact your nearest board of trade or chamber of commerce.
National survey includes data from more than 450 companies. Published in September it includes industries such as natural resources, construction, manufacturing, retail, transportation, IT, real estate and more. Surveys of specific industries are available separately.
Cost: Price varies according to survey.
Contact: Scott Bunker, (416) 542-5689, [email protected].
Cerno Research
Conducts surveys in collaboration with the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters and the Canadian Trucking Alliance. More than 1,000 companies in a variety of industries take part in annual surveys of manufacturing, trucking and executive public company compensation.
Cost: Varies according to survey.
Contact: www.cernoresearch.com.
Clark/Bardes Consulting
Offers a variety of surveys including new college graduate compensation, sales, technician, office and production, executive and senior management and more. Surveys are published throughout the year.
Cost: Varies.
Contact: www.clarkbardes.com.
Economic Research Institute
The Salary Assessor software provides median and mean salary ranges for more than 4,000 positions in 298 U.S. and Canadian areas. Quarterly updates display tables which can be sorted, ranked and saved for later use.
Cost: US$789.
Contact: www.erieri.com.
Foote Partners, LLC
Collected, compiled and published every three months, surveys cover the IT industry in the private and public sectors. Seven major Canadian cities are covered.
Cost: US$400 for seven Canadian cities.
Contact: www.footepartners.com.
Hay Group
Hay PayNet, an online interactive service contains market information such as base pay, bonuses and short- and long-term incentives. More than 430 organizations participate with more than 200,000 individual compensation records from across Canada and globally. Updated three times per year. Covers all major industries.
Cost: $5,000.
Contact: www.haypaynet.com, www.haygroup.ca,
Annual total compensation survey available in September covers base pay, bonuses and perks for more than 200 Canadian companies.
Cost: $750 for survey participants, $1,200 for non-participants.
Contact: www.hewitt.com.
The Institute – Central Ontario Industrial Relations Institute
Annual surveys of hourly paid employees in Ontario and salaried employees. Both surveys are sorted by region, size of employer, industry category and union or non-union status. Covers more than 100 different salaried occupations including clerical, administrative, professional, supervisory, sales and management positions.
Cost: $450.
Contact: www.coiri.com.
Monthly reports review major salary surveys from a variety of sources including WorldatWork, SHRM and others. Covers many areas including accounting and finance, customer service, HR, logistics, marketing and more.
Cost: US$259.
Contact: www.ioma.com.
Janco Associates, Inc.
Information technology surveys from Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. and Canada. Current survey from January 2003 contains information from all major Canadian cities.
Cost: Varies according to survey. Surveys are sent via e-mail in a variety of formats. Data can be ordered for one city only.
Contact: www.psrinc.com/
Annual survey of the Canadian magazine publishing industry, available in June. Publishes information on all positions including publisher, sales, editorial, graphics, and Web editors.
Cost: Results can be viewed free at www.mastheadonline.com.
Contact: www.mastheadonline.
Total remuneration survey covers more than 200 positions from executive to clerical in areas such as administration, engineering, finance, HR, logistics, manufacturing, marketing and more. Country-specific results available in CD-Rom or via the Internet.
Cost: Price varies according to participation.
Contact: www.imercer.ca.
Continually updated online survey of all major Canadian industries. Users can search by postal code and job title to view results.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.monster.ca.
Professional Engineers Ontario
Annual survey of Ontario employers of engineers in 163 organizations which is published in the September/October issue of Engineering Dimensions.
Cost: Complimentary summary is available on Web site at www.peo.on.ca, full report available for $45 for PEO members and survey participants; $110 for non-members.
Contact: www.peo.on.ca.
Robert Half (Office Team)
Annual surveys for accounting, administration, legal, creative and IT. Covers U.S. and Canadian industry salaries and compares data with previous year.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.rhi.com.
Salary Expert
Continually updated online service covering all major industries in the U.S. and Canada. Search by job title and location.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.salaryexpert.com.
Continually updated online service covering jobs in a variety of industries. Search by location and job title.
Cost: Free.
Contact: www.salariesreview.com.
Statistics Canada
The Labour, Employment and Unemployment area of the Web site provides specific information on employment and wages.
Contact: www.statcan.ca.
Toronto Board of Trade
Annual survey of Toronto and area businesses includes surveys on executive, middle management, professional, supervisory and sales, IT, and administrative and support compensation.
Cost: Varies according to survey, discount for members and participants.
Contact: www.bot.com.
Towers Perrin
Surveys come out at various times of the year and cover the IT, energy, investment and general business industry in Canada. Prices vary for each survey and are available only to participants.
Contact: [email protected], 1-877-550-4402.
Watson Wyatt
Annual Canadian salary survey has information on benchmark positions, detailed analysis of base salary, cash incentives and more. Available for executive, management, IT, engineering, sales, production and distribution.
Cost: Varies according to number of surveys ordered and preferred format.
Contact: www.watsonwyatt.com/
Western Compensation & Benefits Consultants
Offers 11 reports consisting of four national surveys and seven regional surveys. More than 350 benchmark positions, data is analyzed by economic sector, annual revenues, number of employees and geographic location. Areas include administrative positions, middle management, IT, high technology, marketing and sales, engineering, production and distribution, executives, board of directors and more.
Cost: Ranges in price according to survey. Members of Vancouver Board of Trade, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Calgary Chamber of Commerce, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce and Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce receive discounts.
Contact: 1-800-781-2411, e-mail: [email protected].
Western Mine Engineering
Canadian Mine Wages, Salaries and Benefits survey contains hourly wages listed by job title for workers at 56 metal, industrial mineral and fossil fuel mines in 11 provinces and territories. Salary summaries for managerial, technical and administrative personnel.
Cost: US$245.
Contact: www.westernmine.com.
Annual Total Salary Increase Budget Survey details salary increase data covering a wide variety of public and private organizations. Arranged in a matrix format according to geographic area, industry group, employee category and type of organization.
Cost: $115 members;
$147.50 non-members.
Contact: www.worldatwork.org.
Local sources
For additional information on compensation and local trends, contact your nearest board of trade or chamber of commerce.