Web sight<br> Moving towards a paperless society

Over the last couple of years, the corporate intranet has picked up momentum as an HR tool. What started as a resource for only the most technology-savvy organizations, corporate intranets have evolved to become a common part of corporate infrastructure for most large organizations and even smaller businesses. This instalment of Web Sight looks at this evolving tool.

Intranet primer

The Wordmark Associates Inc. site offers a primer on intranets. This light read touches on the history of the Web browser and the current and future uses of the intranet and Internet, and the concept of the “paperless office.” This site is a good start for HR managers looking to make a case for the development of an intranet.

Lessons learned

Cio.com provides an online presentation to Webmasters planning to introduce a corporate intranet. In addition to presenting an action plan, the presentation identifies issues to consider as well as problems that the Webmaster can expect to encounter. Finally, the presentation wraps up with “Top Ten Lessons Learned.” There is a lot of information here ideal for those planning the implementation of a site.

Managing information

The Conference Board produced a white paper entitled Managing Information as a Strategic Asset, which looks at the experience of nine major companies in the development of their intranets. The paper looks at a number of areas including: governance, impact on library services, lessons learned, and future challenges. Key themes are the challenge to keep up with technology, content management and search engine capabilities.

Top 10 myths

The Complete Intranet Resource is jammed with links to interesting information. You’ll find the top 10 myths — for example, myth #1 Intranets are cheap, and myth #7 Intranets require little maintenance. Available for download is the Intranet Cost Calculator, which is an Excel application. You’ll also find an article about measuring intranet ROI, which might be useful for making the business case for a corporate intranet.

Intranet security

On the Sun Microsystems site is a white paper, which examines network security. Topics covered include: security policy, firewalls, passwords and encryption, as well as an interesting introduction to “hacker tools.”

Joe Nunes is an actuary and president of Actuarial Solutions Inc. in Oakville, Ont. He can be reached at (905) 257-2038 or [email protected].

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