News Briefs

Senior women forced into part-time work • Alberta eases hiring of children by restaurants • Saskatchewan ups minimum wage • Employment means weight gain • Tops in HR

Senior women forced into part-time work
Toronto —
Bolstering the argument against mandatory retirement, researchers report 44.2 per cent of Canadian women over the age of 65 are working part time in the retail sector, compared to 17.5 per cent of senior men. “For much of the working poor — particularly women — retirement is not an option,” said the study’s co-author Norene Pupo of York University in Toronto. “They need to continue earning income and are often forced into the most marginalized types of employment, typically jobs in the service sector, characterized by low pay, poor working conditions and lack of benefits.”

Alberta eases hiring of children by restaurants
Edmonton —
Alberta restaurants will no longer require a permit to hire children aged 12 to 14. The government’s employment standards branch has designated the food services industry as an “approved occupation” for youth in this age group. Parental consent is still required.

Saskatchewan ups minimum wage
Regina —
Saskatchewan’s minimum wage increases from $6.65 an hour to $7.05 on Sept. 1. It will rise to $7.55 on March 1, 2006 and to $7.95 a year later.

Employment means weight gain
Chicago —
While a new job boosts the bank account, it also increases the waistline, a study by online job board reports. Almost one-half of 1,600 surveyed new employees (47 per cent) gained weight upon accepting their new positions. Busy workers have little time to cook healthy meals or exercise, and employers should do more to help staff stay in shape, note the survey’s authors.

Tops in HR
Toronto —
Heather Horton and Eleanor Jean-Louis scored the highest marks in Canada among this year’s group of Certified Human Resources Professional designation recipients, reports the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations. Top scorers provincially were: Diane Sullivan (B.C.); Anita Manna (Alta.); Heather Horton (Man.); Angela Loewen and Brenda Stewart (Sask.); Eleanor Jean-Louis (Ont.); Karine Bergeron and Gabrielle Deschamps (Que.); Elizabeth Daniels (N.B.); Deborah Bethell (N.S./P.E.I.); and Patrick Angel and Shirley Smith (Nfld.).

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