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New protective equipment standards announced
The Canadian Standards Association and the federal government have announced Canada’s first national standard for protective equipment for front-line fire, police and paramedic workers. Most first responders in Canada have hazardous material or dangerous goods standards to guide them in responding to a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) incident. Now, for the first time, emergency services personnel will have a national protective equipment standard specific to CBRN incidents recognized across jurisdictions to guide and protect them in their work. The CAN/CGSB/CSA-Z1610, Protection of First Responders from Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Events standard specifies requirements for the selection, use and care of personal protective equipment for first responders to a CBRN incident. The standard identifies requirements for protective CBRN equipment, such as respiratory protection and whole-body protection. It also addresses the differences between a conventional hazardous material incident and a deliberate CBRN incident to understand how equipment guidelines may differ.